Recognizing the importance of support and input from the families who use their services, the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) has established the School Age Transition and Inclusion Support for Families and Youth (SATISFY) Project.
School Age Transition and Inclusion Support for Families and Youth
Families of school-aged children with developmental disabilities strive to provide the same kinds of childhood experiences and opportunities as every parent wants for their child. They navigate multiple service systems and engage in continual advocacy and planning to achieve the typical childhood experiences that come naturally to many families.
SATISFY, a project for School Age Transition and Inclusion Support for Families and Youth, helps you share your challenges and successes to make the path easier for families in the future.
Recognizing the importance of support and input from the families who use their services, the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) has established the School Age Transition and Inclusion Support for Families and Youth (SATISFY) Project.
Children spend about 30 percent of their waking hours in school … but the rest of the time they are playing, interacting with family and friends, engaging in daily routines, and going about their lives in a vast array of places and activities in their communities. We want to know what that looks like for your family.
The Lanterman Developmental Disabilities Services Act establishes a system in California for the coordination and delivery of services and supports to individuals with developmental disabilities including cerebral palsy, intellectual disability, autism, epilepsy, and related conditions. The system is commonly known as the “regional center system” because it is implemented through 21 nonprofit regional centers located throughout California as overseen by the DDS.